About Us
The Finnish company Itäpaja was founded in 2010 with a focus on Market Intelligence and its linkage to strategy work.
The purpose of Market Intelligence is to harness the uncertainty by gathering market data and modelling the strategic risks.
The Finnish consulting field is very case-oriented. Itäpaja is filling the gap this leaves in strategy process consulting.
Itäpaja’s competence is based on experienced project management
- more than 15 years of experience in global companies
- eight years of bespoke strategy consulting.
Itäpaja has collaborated with Posti, SanomaPro, and Nokia, among others.
Our Services
Itäpaja aims to create solutions leading to better management practices. Itäpaja’s projects are steps towards such better practices. These steps are executed with e.g. workshops, analysis or new process models.
Itäpaja helps its customers to anticipate the changing business environment on project basis or with new implemented processes.
Itäpaja supports the change execution by mapping the transition steps into roadmaps.
Itäpaja aids project definition by analyzing the situation via the ISPSF-framework.
Clients have chosen Itäpaja when there is a need for new decisions supported by a deep dive-plan or a roadmap.
The client understands its own business, but Itäpaja brings added value by modelling, organizing, analyzing and packaging solutions for the customers needs.